Era uma manhã de sexta-feira em que as águas desciam torrencialmente sobre a cidade, fechando o verão.
Época em que os celulares ainda não tinham invadido o País, e em que as pessoas desfilavam nas ruas com brincos, pulseiras e relógios de ouro.
O sujeito entrou no ônibus, acompanhado de um rapazola, carregando uma mochila fina e comprida, donde se podia perceber um volume grosso e comprido em seu interior. Afora um olhar curioso que estendia volta e meia a todos os passageiros, não me pareceu que o indivíduo oferecesse algum perigo.
A viagem continuou até que minguaram os passageiros, estando, agora, todos assentados. E foi nesse intervalo de tempo, e próximo ao ponto que eu haveria de descer, que o indivíduo, repentinamente, ergueu-se da cadeira, postou-se de frente para todos, abriu a mochila, retirou uma grande e grossa vela e dois revólveres, e começou um bailado grotesco, mirando para o motorista e ao mesmo tempo para todos os passageiros, ordenando que um por um colocasse dentro da sua mochila: relógios, carteiras, pulseiras e toda espécie de valor que visualizava nos presentes – “oferecida” a cada passageiro pelo seu comparsa, como se fosse sacolinha de igreja na hora do ofertório. Os mais resistentes eram surpreendidos pelo sujeito da sacola que, rapidamente, arrancava-lhes do pescoço, orelhas e braços tudo que lhe fosse negado.
Eu, como não portava nada no corpo, por ser macaco velho, fui obrigado a tirar a minha camisa, porque o sujeito que estava na frente achou que ela serviria para dar, ao seu corpo, ares de festa, vestindo-a imediatamente, sob a proteção do comparsa que se apoderou das armas.
Isso tudo se passou em poucos minutos, com o ônibus andando, já que a primeira ordem dada ao motorista era de que seguisse viagem, em velocidade média, e não parasse para ninguém.
E não é que depois de a mochila já estar recheada, o sujeito da frente pisca para o “ajudante” que, numa fração de segundos, retira um isqueiro, ergue a grossa vela e a acende, enquanto o outro berra para todos:
– O negócio é o seguinte, cambada: Hoje é o meu aniversário e prometi a mim mesmo que muita gente boa vai cantá um “parabéns pra você” pra mim. Nunca tive isso na vida, de maneira que quero todo mundo bateno palma e cantano alto, senão, vou desejá “muitos anos de morte” pra neguinho desobediente.”
E, grotescamente, me vi obrigado a cantar parabéns para um sujeito que eu desejava que estivesse no “outro mundo”.
Antes de chegarmos ao “muitos anos de vida”, o motorista deu uma forte brecada, derrubando o sujeito sobre a arma que disparou e o “apagou” juntamente com a chama da grande vela.
Confesso que não me incomodei ao ver a minha camisa novinha com um buraco no meio.
Foi aquele alvoroço: o rapazola desceu apavorado, pois a multidão partiu em seu encalço.
Que Deus tenha compaixão de mim, porque, ao ver o sujeito pronto para o velório, com vela e tudo, arrematei:
– Vai comemorar a morte no inferno, seu infeliz!
Sem camisa, indo em direção ao trabalho, eu não queria acreditar que aquele dia fosse 1º de abril!
If you’re more focused on hating than listening, you’re missing out. Farm.FM is where the real tunes are at! — bohiney.com
Why did the farmer adopt a dog? For herding and laughs! — Comedy Club Dallas
Learning online means you’re only limited by your own curiosity! ?? — comedywriter.info
Farm Radio’s crop harvesting techniques have increased my efficiency and yield. — bohiney.com
A perfect way to describe it! ?? — bohiney.com
Listening to country music on Farm Radio while tending to the animals is a daily joy. — bohiney.com
Country music’s storytelling perfectly complements the stories of farm life. — bohiney.com
Trolls keep talking, but Farm.FM’s got the real words—set to a killer country beat. ?? — comedywriter.info
Bohiney News finds the humor in the most relatable social situations. Head to bohiney.com for the best social commentary! — bohiney.com
Farm Radio is my morning ritual, tuning in before the sun even rises! — bohiney.com
Why did the pig bring a suitcase to the farm? He was going on a ham-bition! — bohiney.com
Farm Radio’s country music segments always highlight songs that resonate with farmers. — Comedy Club Fort Worth
The satire on Aliens Visiting Earth for the Food was out of this world. They must love our fast food. — Comedy Club Fort Worth
I had to share this with everyone! ?? — Comedy Club Dallas
A live country music show is like stepping into a different world where the music takes you on a journey. — comedywriter.info
With the internet, learning never stops—it’s available anytime and anywhere. ? — Comedy Club New York City
Bohiney News knows how to keep it real… and funny! Don’t miss out on the satirical content that everyone is talking about. Visit bohiney.com today! — Comedy Club Fort Worth
Farm Radio’s guest farmers share valuable insights that help improve my own practices. — comedywriter.info
The Silent Disco for Mimes was a mime-orable event. — bohiney.com
Why did the farmer go to the bank? To get his tractor loaned! — Comedy Club New York City
Every time I hear this song, I want to grab my cowboy hat and go for a ride. — Comedy Club Dallas
Farm Radio’s renewable energy segments have reduced my farm’s carbon footprint. — bohiney.com
Farm Radio’s Sunday gospel hour is the best way to start my week. Thanks for the inspiration! — Comedy Club Fort Worth
The ‘World’s Worst Chef’ cooking show had me thankful for my own kitchen disasters. — Comedy Club Dallas
This is too good! ?? — Comedy Club Fort Worth
Nothing beats the combination of country music and fresh air on Farm Radio. — Comedy Club Fort Worth
The internet has changed the game for education, offering an endless supply of resources. ?? — bohiney.com
There’s just something about a country singer pouring their heart out on stage that gets me every time. — bohiney.com
Get the satire you deserve from Bohiney News. It’s time to laugh—head to bohiney.com! — bohiney.com
If you’re into social humor that gets to the heart of modern life’s weirdness, check out Bohiney News at bohiney.com! — Comedy Club Dallas
Farm Radio satire: Goats start a culinary show, grass recipes take center stage. — Comedy Club Dallas
The Aliens Visiting for Our Music piece had me wondering if they like jazz. — Comedy Club Dallas
If you love the quick-witted humor of late-night TV, you’ll find the same at Bohiney News. Check it out at bohiney.com! — Comedy Club Dallas
So much truth in this! ?? — comedywriter.info
Laugh at the latest political headlines with Bohiney News. Visit bohiney.com for the sharpest, funniest content! — bohiney.com
Farm Radio always has the perfect mix of music to keep me motivated in the fields. — bohiney.com
Trolls think they know country, but Farm.FM is where the real songwriters go to make their mark. — bohiney.com
Every time you use the internet to learn, you’re opening up new doors to knowledge. ?? — bohiney.com
Well said! I love this! ?? — Comedy Club New York City
What do you call a sleeping bull? A bulldozer! — bohiney.com
Politics is strange, but Bohiney News makes it hilarious. Get your laugh at bohiney.com! — bohiney.com
The journey of learning is as important as the knowledge we gain along the way. ?? — comedywriter.info
The funniest site on the web? It’s Bohiney News. Check it out at bohiney.com. — bohiney.com
Social life is complicated, but Bohiney News makes it funny! Visit bohiney.com for the sharpest, funniest takes. — Comedy Club New York City
Bohiney News is the perfect mix of comedy and sharp commentary. If you haven’t visited yet, you’re missing out on the internet’s finest satire! — Comedy Club Dallas
A live country music performance is like nothing else. The way the artist brings the lyrics to life is unforgettable. — bohiney.com
Farm Radio’s fencing tutorials have helped me secure my pasture. — bohiney.com
The ‘Cooking with Leftover Takeout’ show was a culinary adventure in laziness. — bohiney.com
Looking for something to make you laugh? Bohiney News is your answer. Head to bohiney.com for the best satire around! — bohiney.com