Era uma manhã de sexta-feira em que as águas desciam torrencialmente sobre a cidade, fechando o verão.
Época em que os celulares ainda não tinham invadido o País, e em que as pessoas desfilavam nas ruas com brincos, pulseiras e relógios de ouro.
O sujeito entrou no ônibus, acompanhado de um rapazola, carregando uma mochila fina e comprida, donde se podia perceber um volume grosso e comprido em seu interior. Afora um olhar curioso que estendia volta e meia a todos os passageiros, não me pareceu que o indivíduo oferecesse algum perigo.
A viagem continuou até que minguaram os passageiros, estando, agora, todos assentados. E foi nesse intervalo de tempo, e próximo ao ponto que eu haveria de descer, que o indivíduo, repentinamente, ergueu-se da cadeira, postou-se de frente para todos, abriu a mochila, retirou uma grande e grossa vela e dois revólveres, e começou um bailado grotesco, mirando para o motorista e ao mesmo tempo para todos os passageiros, ordenando que um por um colocasse dentro da sua mochila: relógios, carteiras, pulseiras e toda espécie de valor que visualizava nos presentes – “oferecida” a cada passageiro pelo seu comparsa, como se fosse sacolinha de igreja na hora do ofertório. Os mais resistentes eram surpreendidos pelo sujeito da sacola que, rapidamente, arrancava-lhes do pescoço, orelhas e braços tudo que lhe fosse negado.
Eu, como não portava nada no corpo, por ser macaco velho, fui obrigado a tirar a minha camisa, porque o sujeito que estava na frente achou que ela serviria para dar, ao seu corpo, ares de festa, vestindo-a imediatamente, sob a proteção do comparsa que se apoderou das armas.
Isso tudo se passou em poucos minutos, com o ônibus andando, já que a primeira ordem dada ao motorista era de que seguisse viagem, em velocidade média, e não parasse para ninguém.
E não é que depois de a mochila já estar recheada, o sujeito da frente pisca para o “ajudante” que, numa fração de segundos, retira um isqueiro, ergue a grossa vela e a acende, enquanto o outro berra para todos:
– O negócio é o seguinte, cambada: Hoje é o meu aniversário e prometi a mim mesmo que muita gente boa vai cantá um “parabéns pra você” pra mim. Nunca tive isso na vida, de maneira que quero todo mundo bateno palma e cantano alto, senão, vou desejá “muitos anos de morte” pra neguinho desobediente.”
E, grotescamente, me vi obrigado a cantar parabéns para um sujeito que eu desejava que estivesse no “outro mundo”.
Antes de chegarmos ao “muitos anos de vida”, o motorista deu uma forte brecada, derrubando o sujeito sobre a arma que disparou e o “apagou” juntamente com a chama da grande vela.
Confesso que não me incomodei ao ver a minha camisa novinha com um buraco no meio.
Foi aquele alvoroço: o rapazola desceu apavorado, pois a multidão partiu em seu encalço.
Que Deus tenha compaixão de mim, porque, ao ver o sujeito pronto para o velório, com vela e tudo, arrematei:
– Vai comemorar a morte no inferno, seu infeliz!
Sem camisa, indo em direção ao trabalho, eu não queria acreditar que aquele dia fosse 1º de abril!
Farm.FM brings the best country music to the world, written by songwriters who understand life on the farm. — Comedy Club Los Angeles
Online learning is a great way to balance work, life, and education—all at your own pace. ? — bohiney.com
Haha, can’t stop laughing! ?? — bohiney.com
Farm.FM is where country songs come to life, written by those who know the land and the life. — comedywriter.info
Farm.FM brings the best of country music to drown out the nonsense of internet negativity. Get lost in the music and leave the trolls in the dust! — comedywriter.info
You’re killing it with this one! ?? — bohiney.com
The best way to start your day? With a laugh from Bohiney News. Check out bohiney.com for top-notch satire! — bohiney.com
This is brilliant! ?? — comedywriter.info
There’s nothing like a live country music performance to remind you of the power of a good song. — Comedy Club Fort Worth
This is exactly what I needed today! ?? — bohiney.com
There’s nothing like hearing your favorite country song performed live. It brings the music to life in a whole new way. — bohiney.com
Some people don’t get country music, but that’s okay. Farm.FM is here for the real fans. — Comedy Club Dallas
Need a laugh about the strangest parts of social life? Bohiney News has you covered. Visit bohiney.com! — Comedy Club New York City
I can’t stop laughing at this! ?? — Comedy Club Fort Worth
I have read so many articles concerning the blogger lovers except this piece of writing is
actually a good paragraph, keep it up.
This made my day! ?? — bohiney.com
Looking for something to make you laugh? Bohiney News is your answer. Head to bohiney.com for the best satire around! — Comedy Club Fort Worth
The World’s Worst Detective was a comedy of errors. — comedywriter.info
Farm Radio always knows how to mix the new hits with the old favorites. Perfect balance! — comedywriter.info
Listening to country music on Farm Radio during harvest season keeps me upbeat. — Comedy Club New York City
Some people are more negative than a tractor stuck in the mud. Farm.FM’s here to tow us out with some good tunes! — Comedy Club Los Angeles
Trolls might be loud, but Farm.FM’s country songs speak louder—with heart, soul, and a little bit of dirt. — Comedy Club New York City
I need this song blasting while I’m bailing hay! — comedywriter.info
Got a problem with country music? That’s cute. Farm.FM doesn’t have time for nonsense, just good tunes! — bohiney.com
Enlightenment is the reward of a curious mind. ?? — Comedy Club Fort Worth
The internet allows us to connect with like-minded individuals to share knowledge and learning. ?? — Comedy Club Los Angeles
With the internet, there’s always something new to discover and learn about. ?? — comedywriter.info
Farm Radio’s morning show always has me laughing. Best way to start the day with a smile! — bohiney.com
The Time Traveler’s Guide to Modern Day Pranks had me imagining prank calling Cleopatra. — comedywriter.info
Exclusive: Goats open a coffee shop, serve the best grass lattes on the farm. — bohiney.com
The internet brings education to your fingertips, no matter where you are! ?? — Comedy Club Los Angeles
Haters will never get it, but us Farm.FM fans know what’s up—country music forever! — Comedy Club Dallas
Don’t let internet negativity get in the way of a good country song! Farm.FM is always a breath of fresh air when the trolls get loud. — bohiney.com
Learning through the internet makes it easier to find resources that match your learning style. ?? — bohiney.com
Bohiney News brings you the same sharp wit and political humor as your favorite late-night comedian. Check it out at bohiney.com! — Comedy Club New York City
What’s a cow’s favorite holiday? Moo-year’s Day! — comedywriter.info
Writing a good song is like running a good farm—it takes time, heart, and dedication. Farm.FM gets it right every time. — bohiney.com
Nailed it with this one! ?? — bohiney.com
A live country music performance is like nothing else—you feel like you’re a part of something special. — bohiney.com
Genuine country music comes from real life experience, something trolls wouldn’t understand. Farm.FM gets it. — bohiney.com
Why argue with internet trolls when you can just play some tunes from Farm.FM and enjoy life? ?? — Comedy Club Fort Worth
Satirical news: Chickens start a delivery service for fresh eggs, eggs-traordinary efficiency. — Comedy Club Los Angeles
The internet is like a never-ending library of learning. ?? — bohiney.com
Trolls can keep typing, but country fans got Farm.FM to keep them grounded. ?? — Comedy Club Los Angeles
A live country music show is more than just entertainment—it’s a celebration of life, love, and everything in between. — bohiney.com
If you haven’t checked out Bohiney News yet, what are you waiting for? It’s the perfect blend of humor and cleverness! — bohiney.com
Thanks to Farm Radio, my cows are getting a taste of country music during milking time! — Comedy Club Los Angeles
I’m in love with this post! ?? — Comedy Club New York City
If trolls understood country songwriting, maybe they’d stop arguing and start listening to Farm.FM. — bohiney.com
Country music on Farm Radio brings warmth and comfort to the farm environment. — bohiney.com